Welcome to SACLAP
The South African Council for the Landscape Architectural Profession (SACLAP) was established in 2001 as a statutory Council in terms of Section 2 of the South African Council for the Landscape Architectural Profession Act – Act 45
Library - Governance
Registered Persons
In subsection 18. (2) of the Landscape Architectural Profession Act, Act no 45, 2000 it states that “A person may not practice in any of the categories contemplated in subsection 18. (1) unless he or she is registered in that category”. Furthermore, in Sub-section 26 (3) the Act goes on to state that “a person who is not registered in terms of the Act may not:
a. Perform any kind of work identified for any category of registered persons,
b. Pretend to be, or in any manner hold or allow himself ...
SACLAP 8 November Candidate Workshop
Council Composition and Organisation
SACLAP COUNCIL- as per Section 3 - Section 7 of the Act
The SACLAP Council is made up of 10 individuals consisting of six registered professionals, two professionals in the service of the State, and two members of the public. All Council members are appointed by the Minister of Public Works
and Infrastructure. The term of office of the current Council runs from 2022 to 2026